Base/Blank Oil & Solvent

Base oils are used for blending calibration standards for spectrometric analysis of metals in oil (base oils are not certified). Blank Oils are supplied complete with a Certificate of Analysis including actual elemental concentration useful for blank subtraction in ICP/ICP-MS.
CONOSTAN® Stabilizer can help to ensure consistent results when preparing intermediate or working, single and multi-element standards at low concentration in hydrocarbon oil.
PremiSolv™ is a non-hazardous, zero-odour alternative to kerosene or xylene for use as a diluent or zero-point standard in ICP analysis of metals in oil and other organic fluids. It has an extremely low metal content and comes with a certificate of analysis listing the concentrations of 33 different metals and sulfur.

PremiSolv is a zero-odour alternative to kerosene or xylene for use as a diluent or zero-point standard in ICP/DCP analysis of metals in oil and other organic fluids. Extre...
Conostan PremiSolv is a zero-odour alternative to kerosene or xylene for use as a diluent or zero-point standard in ICP/DCP analysis of metals in oil and other organic fluids....